We are a company with great experience in e-commerce and composed by professionals from different fields.

Who are we?

Markmaat is a project integrated by a multidisciplinary team of web developers and experts in online marketing and web positioning.

Founded in Alicante, we sell in the main ecommerce sites in the world and export to more than 10 different countries.

For this reason, we are fully aware of each and every one of the problems that other Amazon, Aliexpress or Ebay sellers have to face every day. And we offer effective solutions in order to improve your chances of success..

Our experience

MarktMaat is an agency dedicated to online sales with more than 7 years of experience and presence in the most important marketplaces in the world.

Amazon, Aliexpress, Ebay and Wish are some of our main sales channels for which we have developed tools that facilitate and optimise our daily activity.

After all these years, we have decided to make our own developed software available to everyone, as well as all our knowledge and experience in the sector.  With the sole objective that any company can increase and maximize their online profits.

¿Qué te ofrecemos?

El proyecto MarktMaat facilita a cualquier vendedor las herramientas necesarias para hacer crecer su negocio.
